Monday, September 26, 2005

Ever wonder why there are bad people in the world? I mean, when one thinks about it, we were all created to be intrinsically good. So what happened from the moment we were born up to the time Satan has claimed our hapless souls?


Imagine a little girl in anticipation of Christmas… Hoping and praying that Santa Claus will be giving her the gift she always wanted. She’s been a good girl all-year-long, so she can’t think of any reason why Santa won’t give her what she longs for. So Christmas morning she goes down the stairs, then BAM! She looks under the Christmas tree and see NOTHING! The loss of innocence… The realization that the world is fucked-up place and no one can possibly care a damn about her… Santa does not exist… Probably because some other bitter kid has killed him already…
She wakes up the following morning, armed with the knowledge that dreams don’t come true, that fairies don’t exist, and that kindness is nothing more than a mere word used in movies. No, she is not the same person she was yesterday… Without effort and remorse, she has changed…


Do not be fooled by the absence of tears,
for deep inside this harlequin is a broken face,

a wounded heart, and trampled soul….

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