Wednesday, July 04, 2007


In the spirit of fairness, i will also look into this kind of belief...

Atheism is the absence of belief in any Gods or spiritual beings. The word Atheism comes from "a", meaning without, and "theism" meaning belief in god or gods.

Atheists say that human beings can devise suitable moral codes to live by without the aid of Gods or scriptures. There are several reasons why these people don't believe in God, mostly because there are no evidences to prove God's existence.

Some atheists are also critical of religions. For them, religion imposes irrational rules of good and bad behavior, divides people, and is a cause of conflict and war, doesn't give equal treatment to women and gay people, and thus offends basic human rights, and stops people thinking in a rational and objective way.

I'm a logic driven person. Given this argument, Atheism may be the choice for me. But no. I believe in God. I believe that there is a higher power out there looking out for me and everyone else in the world. Cheezy, but it's true. It's one of those things I really can't explain, but know for a fact.

-----Side Note Begin-----
One might think this is an oxymoron... but did you know that there is such a thing as "Christian Atheism"? They say that they do believe in God - but not in a fairy tale way. He exists, but only in your head. For them, God is a projection of the human mind.
-----Side Note End-----

He exists I tell you! He's everywhere! Not just im my head... how do I know?... I just do. And that's more than enough reason for me to believe... and now i will stop screaming... :)

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