Saturday, December 22, 2007

Aussie Adventure # 1: Let's walk around!

Finally, my pictures from "walking around" Sydney... (with the occasional train and taxi rides whenever laziness kicks-in)

The hotel where I stayed. I unfortunately forgot to take pictures of my room... memory gap!

View from my room. It's not as spectacular as it seems. There's a train rail just below the hotel...

North Sydney train station... creepy eh? I'm half-expecting a human-sized cockroach to approach me anytime soon... yeah, I know, saw that movie too...

Double-decker train... now that's cool! if only there weren't too much graffiti

View from the train... the spectacular taxi... er, i mean Sydney Opera House

Aussie shops... exhibiting British influence

The city churches

nope, this one's not a church... it's actually a mall! and if i may quote Queen Victoria, "It's the most beautiful mall in the world." you know why? because it's the Queen Victoria Building!... ah! royal vanity! i may have been royalty in my past life (either that or a very vain peasant!)

a life-size statue of Queen Vicky, now this is creepy-vain...

Queen Victoria Building interiors... it's my first time to see a carpeted mall.

the 3-storey high Christmas tree inside QVB. I suddenly missed UST... :(

Freeze! Aussie police! if they chase a criminal, is it still considered a car chase?

an unusual-looking bird that is actually common in Australia... and i thought i knew all about weird birds... [cough...]jas[cough...]

passing through the Sydney harbour bridge via taxi...

crazy adventurous people doing the 3-hour, 100dollar+ bridge-climb

world-famous Aussie landmark... the Sydney harbour bridge

yet another world-famous Aussie landmark... the Sydney opera house

Sydney opera house up-close



jasmine said...

hahaha! i'm not a weird... bird =P nia, kelan ka uwi? :D

neni said...

uwi? ano yun? hehehe :)