Sunday, March 16, 2008

Apparently, there are scarier things in life…

If you’ve been reading this blog for quite some time, you know how I feel about women prancing around in towels… In a nutshell, I find it disturbing. (I’m not kidding). Don’t get me started on the many possible reasons… I just do!

Anyway, I applied for a gym membership here, not so long ago, as the current state of my health is equally disturbing. (I feel I’m losing muscle mass and gaining weight at the same time… not a very good combination.)

Going back…Me hitting the gym gives you a pretty good idea what this post is about… the ever scary: “women in towels…” But what I’ve learned today is that, apparently, there are far more scary things in life… Women WITHOUT towels!!!

[blur the screen and insert flashback music…]
I was fixing my stuff in the locker. I was crouching since I chose the lower locker (because I’m a freakin’ midget!) As I closed the door and was about to stand… there IT was...

“Well, hello there, another woman’s hoo-ha, how do you do?”


Note to self, choose the corner-most locker next time.


m9dhatter said...

i, for one, have no problems with women prancing around in towels. just saying.

neni said...

i bet! nyaaahahaha...
but i'm pretty sure you won't be so enthusiastic about it if it were dudes... hehehe...

jasmine said...

hahaha! miss na kitang roomie nia >:D<

neni said...

oh gee, thanks for reminding me... hehehe... peace! :)