Monday, September 03, 2007

now this will cause a lot of heat!

According to this post, Malu Fernandez will be back on Manila Standard Today.

Just a week ago, she allegedly resigned and issued a public apology after writing an article recounting her "horrible" experiences during her trip. The article "From Boracay to Greece" started a few fires over the internet after it offended (that being an understatement) our OFWs working in the middle east.

So basically, after a week, Manila Standard decided to bring her back in.

Is this for real? I mean, do they seriously believe that people, especially the OFWs have already forgotten about this issue? Whether this article is true or not, she better saddle-up, because I'm pretty sure people will not let it go just like that.

My 2 cents on the issue is quite simple. C'mon, admit it, on certain times and occasions it's really fun to "insult" people or a certain group of people. I myself am guilty of writing nasty stuff about other people in my blog. And if you'd read my diary, you'd come across several shades of insults from downright silly to insensitively indignant. It's a guilty pleasure I do not wish to deny myself or other people of.

A few dash of insults here and there adds life to the party, but then again, this ain't a party, and her article is surely not just an ordinary blog post or diary entry.

I'm no journalist, but I think there has to be a line somewhere. And I think that's where Ms. Malu and her editor made a mistake. Some things are just meant for your diary. ( just have your diary published when your dead, that way, death threats won't mean anything to you, incase you offend someone :) )

We're all guilty of offensive behaviour and stereotyping. The trick is finding the right time, place, and medium.

That's why in not in journalism... too much moral responsibility (plus spell-checking and proof-reading!.... im not even sure if the previous words have hyphens in them!?!) hehehe...

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