Friday, September 28, 2007

OMG! I'm a man!!!

I'm a dude!!!

No, I did NOT realize this while standing naked in front of a full-length mirror this morning. (my deepest apologies for the mental image this might have given you)

This was based on hacker factor's gender guesser. (Yes, I have nothing else to do with my time, bite me!)

I entered 3 past blog entries and got a 3 out of 3 "dude, you're a big burly hairy man" result. (well, they did not exactly phrased it that way... although it would have been more fun if they did...). Actually, they said I was a "weak Male". That's probably their "politically correct version" of a "girly-man".

Now how sad is that... It's bad enough that they think I'm male, they have to add insult to injury by putting in "weak". They also added "Weak emphasis could indicate European.". Aha... so they do mean "girly man"... hehehe...

Slightly Off-Topic: This reminds me of some online game I saw not so long ago wherein you're shown series of pictures and you have to guess: "Gay guy or Euro-trash". (Yes, I kill too many braincells for stupid things... in my defense, I WAS young... hehehe...)

Going back...

Before I rant any further (and hurl a few inanimate objects around the house), the website did indicate a few disclaimers:

Many factors can impact the interpretation from any single person's writing. The
content, knowledge of the material, age of the author, nationality, experience,
occupation, and education level can all impact writing styles. For example, a
woman who has spent 20 years working in a male-dominated field may write like
her co-workers. Similarly, professional female writers (and experienced
hobbyists) frequently use male writing styles. Gender Guesser does not take any
of these factors into account.

--> I grew up in a household full of men... does that count? (Yes, I'm trying to justify the result... I'M NOT A MAN!!!!)

Pasting the same text multiple times will not change the results!

--> mwaaaahaaahahaha... I actually tried doing this before I even read this part in the "author's notes"... It's the skeptic in me... (and I'm pretty sure alot of people did this too...:) )

And most importantly: This is an ESTIMATE. Please do not email me about
instances where it made the wrong determination. (I've seen it generate
incorrect results lots of times already.)

--> is this supposed to make me feel better? or is it just the author's way of avoiding raving lunatics like me from spamming him? I'm guessing both... hehehe...


iconpool said...

you know what... im a guy too, pare! "VERDICT: MALE" why o why?!?! it says its 60%-70% accurate so.... if its any better we are just 70% max male... haha... would that makes us gay?! no way!!!! :) im a girl!

donna marie said...

matagal naman na tayong "gay" diba :P

neni said...

yup! 100% gay... :)