Monday, August 18, 2008

WTF?! = Words That are F***ed-up?!

Who knew that "spoony" is a word? Even the spell-check here in blogger is telling me "what-the-f is that word, bozo?!?" (or at least that what it sounds like in my head when it puts a red underline on the words I'm typing here) MS Word even suggested I use "spooky" instead!

This was my word of the day last week. (yes, I'm subscribed to, which gives testament to the unsurmountable boredom that is called my life)

I think just ran out of words so they invented something to send me, me being trusting and all. (read: sucker)

Sometimes there are words which you can guess the definition of based on how you can imagine it's usage. This one, is definitely NOT one of them. Any takes on what "spoony" means? No, it's not "makuchara" or "madaming kuchara". (corny, I know, but admit it, for a second or two, you thought it was!)

Apparently, "spoony" means "foolishly or sentimentally in love"

--> Eeeeh? {must be said as though it's one of the voices in those learn-to-speak-Japanese tapes} I'm as puzzled as you are. (if you're not, then you're a f*ing geek who should join!) Who invented this word? Hmmnn... probably the same guy who invented "forky"?!

Speaking of dining objects as vocabulary words, "platey" is yet to be defined. So as my contribution to the world (among other things, including my mere presence) I shall create a new word:

"platey" = unbelievably cool; neni-like; rad!
usage: I look absolutely platey today. (redundant? :) )


OMG... I know, I need to get a life. (a platey one, I hope!)


Unknown said...

ha ha ha... I'm a subscriber of too... :D

neni said...

wow... you must be really bored!

so today, you probably know what "knell" means... hehehe...

Unknown said...

ha ha... part of my efforts to increase my vocabulary... although I don't think it's working... (memory retention is poor) LOL