Friday, April 03, 2009

no point in pointing-out the obvious...

I wanted to write a review-cum-rant about the movie Dragonball Evolution. But aside from not knowing where to begin with all the crap, I just realized too many people have already said what needed to be let out.

In a nutshell: "What the fuck was that?!"

That being said, instead of dwelling on all this negative energy, I am opting to be a bigger person and I am walking away. (wow! I feel so mature!)

So instead of ranting,ladies and gentlemen, I give you a compilation of funny baby videos (did I mention something about me being mature? yeah... forget about it!)

Charlie bit me:

Beware of younger siblings... WE may seem innocent, but we'll bite-off fingers and get-away with it by laughing cutely...


One of the very few reasons why I want to be a parent... imagine all the words you can teach... bwaaahahaha...


Yeah, blood is not funny... it's extremely funny!

Proof that women are the stronger sex:

the boy either tries to kiss the girl or eat her shoes... 

so what's a girl to do? shove him and act innocent, of course!

Sleepy Baby

Put this kid in a cubicle and you've got an instant vision of me at work... :)

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