Thursday, April 02, 2009

Should it still be called a mixtape if it's on SD?

The girlfriend just had her birthday last 29th of March (yey! 25 na sa wakas!) and I wanted to give her something special. So I compiled over 100 Kyla (her favorite artist) videos from youtube and converted them to mp4 format so she can play them all on her ipod. I also included the cheesiest songs I could think of, and placed them all in an SD card...

Do you remember back in the old days when people had to record their favorite songs from the radio to a cassette tape? No? jeez, am I THAT old???

Things we're much difficult back then. You had to wait for days for the radio station to play the song you want, then have good timing to press the record button on the cassette recorder. Bad timing means back to square one.

So giving someone a mixtape was indeed a labor of love.

Nowadays, if you wanted to do that, you either copy from the audio CD, or download from the internet, then burn your "mixtape" to a CD, or copy to any other forms of external storage, or just send the link where it can be streamed...

Somehow technology has made things less romantic than it used to be...

Imagine if "Say Anything"'s boombox scene was set in the present time, John Cusack would be holding an ipod connected to one of those compact ipod speakers... I know, WTF?

the car, the hair, the clothes, the boombox... yes! this movie was obviously set in the 80's

However, less effort and less romance does not necessarily mean less love.
It just means I love you AND I am lazy (and I don't have a boombox)

Happy Birthday Tin!!!

Birthday celebration pics to follow... :)


m9dhatter said...

John Cusack probably has a sign taped to his back that says "Yes. That was me in the boombox scene". He must have been so proud of that.

Happy Birthday Tin!
(Spoken like I've met Tin)

neni said...

bwaahahaha... yes, in fact, just type "john cusack boombox" in google images and you'll get over 4 thousand hits...

(spoken as if I'm Tin)