Sunday, September 27, 2009

the French and their fart...

There are a lot of French people in our company. One main thing I've noticed about them is that they like using fart sounds as expressions.

For example, instead of using a "sad trombone" sounds for "burot moments", they use fart sounds. Or when they are presenting something in PowerPoint, each time a new item pops in the screen, they also make the same fart sounds.

Last week, we started our training sessions with HP and our main trainer is a French guy as well. He seems to enjoy making fart sounds too, so I'm guessing it's not just the French in our company.

And another thing, during the training with HP, we needed to use their test servers which are based in France. And guess what are the names of their test servers??? fart07 and fart08... What the?!

What's with the French and their fascination with farts??

1 comment:

iconpool said...
