Friday, April 18, 2008

listen at your own risk...

Instead of making-up for lost sleep, here I am doing some "experiments" with adding a playlist in blogger...

So far I've managed to put the damn player here, but I have yet to resize it. What really ate a lot of time was looking for the songs I'd like to include. Unfortunately, not all of the songs I like are available, I've only managed to add 10. Hopefully, I'll be able to add some more later.

I know this should probably count as "piracy"... but in my defense, I have original copies of these songs... (yes, I can be such a self-righteous, i-dont-do-illegal-stuff-even-though-everybody-else-does-it asshole sometimes. Oh, how I hate those kind of people!!!... but as usual, I still love myself)

anyway, welcome to my (partial)playlist...

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