Sunday, April 06, 2008

Viva Italia! (that is, if you're an adulterous woman)

I just read a very interesting online news article from BBC UK.

If you're too lazy to click the link to read the full story, here's the short-and-sweet:
Italy's highest court has ruled that it is not illegal for a woman to lie to a police investigation if the reason is to cover-up her adulterous affair.

Huwaaaaat??? Yes, my jaw dropped as well. I thought it was an April fool's joke, but apparently, it wasn't.

Side note: BBC's April fools joke is a footage of flying penguins... Somehow, they thought it's easier to fool people with flying fat-so birds... but that's for another post. :)

Now, going back to adulterous bitches...

I'm not so sure how to react to this news. It's like saying it's ok to lie as long as you're covering up another lie... A really bad case of negation, perhaps?

According to the article, "lying about an affair was permitted because it damages the honor of the person among family and friends."

But here's the kicker:
"It is not yet clear whether the ruling might also apply to men who have secret mistresses. "

Sorry guys... double-standards worked against you on this one. But don't fret, at least you don't have to bleed on a monthly basis... (this is what I tell my brothers every time my parents favor me over everything... :) )

hhmmnn... I wonder if it's also ok to lie to your boss, if it's gonna save your ass ? If yes, then I'm soooo moving to Italy... (for that and the spaghetti!)

1 comment:

k a r e n said...

hahahaha! people never cease to amaze me with their ability to rationalize the irrational. what they're doing is opening pandora's box. since when was lying in court right??