Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Now that's odd!

The other day, I made a call to our MIS team to activate one of the network ports we'll be using for one of our test machines. I gave my name, which I pronounced as "nina" (no enye).

I have been using "nina", instead of "ninya", in the office because explaining spelling, pronunciation, and Philippine-Spanish history is just a pain in the ass most of the time.

Anyway, going back to my story...

A few minutes later, a tall Indian guy came by my cubicle to check if the port was working. I gave him access to our test machine and he did his routine check.

In the middle of his work, he engages in some small talk.

MIS guy: "you have quite an ODD name"(referring to "nina")
The bitch inside my head: WTF??? Odd??? Seriously now?!

I wasn't so sure how to react to that. Especially when I found out that his name was about 4 mouthful syllables consisting of a several consonants without vowels in between them. (ok, this might have been an exaggeration, but hell, his name is really "complicated"!)

But seriously, how odd is n-i-n-a? Even someone with dyslexia can spell it without difficulty!

I've never heard anyone complain about "Mr. Snuffleupagus", (and it's about time someone did!) and here comes some guy telling me a 4-letter word with letters harmoniously sitting next to each other is odd?!

Where's the justice in this world?! Where's the love?! And more importantly, where is Mr. Snuffleupagus?!

who you callin' odd 'ya bitch!


jasmine said...

hahahaha! lol this is so funny =P who would have thought nina was an odd name =)) try neni.. maybe he's more familiar with that =))

Unknown said...

n-e-e-n-u-h... :)

k a r e n said...

grabe, i haven't seen mr. snuffleupagus in the longest time and looking at his photo now.. well, he looks kinda creepy... lol