Saturday, November 21, 2009

I need more "grown-up" things...

I'll be sent again for another mission. (I'm beginning to think my boss doesn't want me around the office that's why he keeps sending me out!)

This time it will be a very quick "partner inspection". Hold your thoughts people... it's not as dirty as it sounds.

Our company will be integrating one of our products with another company's product (thus, they are the partner). Now my job is to assess the "supportability" of their product. Since my team handles the support & maintenance of live platforms, this new "merged" solution will be our future problem anyway, so it's best that our team analyze and mitigate all the possible risks of this "lovechild" solution.

From what I've been briefed with, I'll be meeting with a lot of senior people. And by senior, I mean the politically correct term for OLD. Like 10 years or more older than me type of OLD. (yes, I'm an ageist!)

I've got nothing against old people in general... I just find them boring, and I'm sure they'll just find me obnoxious(the curse of youth). We're from different generations... anything we say to each other just sounds weird to our ears...

Anyway... in preparation for the meetings, I've decided to gather all the things I need to bring. Then after looking at my stuff, I've decided to leave them and proceed to the nearest bookstore to buy new ones instead.

Why? Ladies & gentlemen, my notebook:

Hey! Hey! Never judge a notebook by it's cover. "Pink-Cheeks-Milk-Cow" and I have been through a lot together! It contains a lot of work-stuff! (and funny drawings too!)

So I want to do my company right by representing them well... The least I can do is buy a decent and mature-looking (read: boring) notebook...

The age-appropriate(ZZzzzZZzzzz) notebook:

And yes, I will NOT be wearing my red rubber shoes to the meetings... (I'll try my best to resist... :P)

Wish me luck! :)

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