Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sinful Sunday Meal : McDo Japanese-Style!

It's been a long time since I bought anything from McDonald's. Blame "Supersize Me" for that... hehehe...

But this morning I saw a TV ad for the new McDonald's Filet-o-Fish with Wasabi, plus Wasabi-flavored McShaker fries... OMG!!! Did they just say the magic word??? WASABI!!!

Given that I have only one meal of the week wherein I can eat anything I want without counting the amount of calories and fat, I decided to give-in to temptation and waste my "sinful sunday meal" card on McDonald's:

The tasty evil that is the Wasabi Filet-O-Fish meal w/ Wasabi McShaker fries

I LOVE WASABI! (me, and probably 5 other people around the world. Oh, yeah, and the Japanese too!) Probably the only reason why I love sushi so much is because I have a reason to eat Wasabi! (Crazy eh?)

Wasabi is the "kind of spicy" that doesn't stay in your mouth like chili. Once you put it in your mouth, it explodes! You feel the sensation all the way to your nostrils, and it may leave you with a few tears once in a while. But after that, it's as if nothing happened?!

So, like a little forgetful goldfish, you go ahead and have a taste again, thinking... "Hmmn... Have I tasted the Wasabi yet?" Then BAM! "Oh, THAT's the WASABI!" And then the cycle goes on and on until you run-out of Wasabi or your brain evaporates out of your ears. (whichever comes first!)

Yes, Wasabi... It's for the sadomasochist goldfish in each and every one of us...


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